After a very late night working on this shiny glowing thing doing some editing, I've had a slow day and now need to get myself to Infinity foods before it shuts. While there are some really fantastic places to shop down in Brighton, I no longer have the London luxury of being able to shop at any time of the day, so do need to get myself a little more organised.
As I will be in London during the day most of this week, I need to prepare my own lunches otherwise I am likely to end up failing the trial and plummeting straight towards bankruptcy. Stealth googling has again provided me with some gold. Although it sounds vaguely like she might start crying, internet Heather seems like a very nice lady, plus is a nutritionist so definitely knows a lot more about this game than me. Check out that well stocked kitchen. It conjures up childhood memories of going to friends houses and poking around their hippy parents smelly cupboards full of weird stuff in old pots and jars!
She doesn't seem to have mentioned sunday roasts on here, so I may have to do some D.I.Y brainwork. Ive heard on the vegan grapevine that nutritional yeast gives a cheesy flavour that works for a legal cauliflower cheese. I'll let you know.
Thanks to the dessert is at least sorted; Booja Booja ice cream. Come on Norfolk, show me what you've got!