As you can probably tell, I've got serious trial vegan rage. Infact perhaps I'm the angriest vegan that ever existed? Perhaps it's because I haven't got a topical tattoo?
I was expecting to get immediately zen and floaty like my creepy raw housemate, just a little less grey. All I've actually managed so far is clowny, angry and unsatisfied. I can't say that I'm hungry, as I'm really not. Infact I'm definitely losing weight and saving money by eating considerably less and cutting out regular sugary treats, but my brain is simply unsatisifed. Unsatisfied and irritated with Kale the biggest offender. I'm only eating it because I read it had protein in it and I'm starting to seriously doubt that there's been enough protein in any of my servings to justify the irritating dark green grin it gives me from every meal. It smirks, I swear it.
Porridge is my only friend.
Oatcakes are strangely becoming more bearable.
I've started to crave Tahini. What the fuck? I still don't even remotely like the weird bitter filth but I find it popping into my head begging to be devoured. I think it's because it's one thing I know I can eat that needs no preparation and doesn't smirk.
I've found another lady of the internet who seems to know a lot (I'm sure she loves Kale) and have copied her Vegan Food Pyramid in a bid to get back into the joyful vegan brigade;
Before the hunger strike begins I tried a recipe using the only three vegetables in the cupboard and it has cheered me up slightly. One suggestion though, go by the measures and use a blender if you have one. I used a potato masher and have no idea how much I used of anything. It tasted really good yet was the thick, lumpy, slightly foamy consistency of something seriously unpleasant experienced in India last year. It also looks slightly like it so I didn't bother with a picture as I doubt that would inspire anyone to try it.
Carrot and Potato Soup