Eleven years of living in or running away from London, meant that my London eyes were pretty much glued shut. Beyond my thrice weekly bicycle voyage from North to South and a few well ridden paths around the East End I'd become thoroughly complacent, thereby self-mutilating my innate sense of direction and hunger for all things new and interesting. Being the self proclaimed world's laziest vegetarian with mainly meat eating friends, living a minutes walk from City Kebab, Itto and Whole Foods in Stoke Newington meant that both my convenience and overpriced whole food needs were well catered for.
The vegan lark means life is different. My eyelids have been wrenched apart again and it almost feels like I'm seeing london anew. For the first time, I am grateful to say that no longer living in the metropolis has some benefits, not least that you get your eyes back. I'm putting mine to good use as there are a lot of hidden gems out there, today's No.1 a shop called Vx in Kings Cross, run by a lovely, vegan Frenchman called Rudy.
Pronounced Vee Cross, the shop stocks all sorts of things alongside a selection of vegan friendly clothing and footwear; lunch type take away food, as well as an array of snack food, chocolate, hot dogs, ice cream, marshmallows.. etc etc and of course the main reason for my visit.. CAKE!
I found Vx through hunting for a stockist of Ms Cupcake but when I arrived Cat & the Cream poached my custom. Their individually packaged (albeit slightly excessively so) beatifully perfect little cupcakes just looked that bit more beautiful, more couture and it's been two whole weeks without cake, so I wanted the finest. As I was also hoping to post one to my mum the plastic tub gave the impression that it might survive royal mail. In the end, I missed royal mail and subjected the cake to a journey through my digestive system instead. I hate to admit that the cake was good but not incredible (I'm very fussy with cakes if you dont know me) so Ms Cupcake I promise to be faithful next time.
As you can see from the shop front, this is not your stereotypical type of vegan place, it's a nice little shop that's bright and stylish and has a really nice feeling amidst all of the new, mysterious vegan treats. I didn't venture far into the clothing but as 'the first one stop vegan shop in UK', their ethos is bang on. Location wise, I initially thought it a bit awquard with Kings Cross often seen as a middle ground, populated with commuters and their silly foldy bikes and tourists. It's actually bang in the middle of absolutely everywhere meaning that all self respecting vegan Londoners should take note and get down to support their local vegan shopkeeper pronto.
Hurrah to Rudy (and helpers?) for getting his/ their shit together and getting this shop and sentiment out there, it's now up to us to support them.
One more thing, if you do go to Kings Cross to hunt down Vx and the shop full of magic, maybe try this place while you're in area. I haven't been so can't give you any ruthless wisdom but it's on the Vx site as a nearby landmark so surely that says something. Vegan and Japanese. DING!
Happy Friday! X